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Saint Juliana of Lazarevo (?-1604) was a married laywoman who spent her life as a homemaker, wife and mother in the Murom region of Russia. She was born during the reign of Tsar John IV (1530-1584), who went down in history as “Ivan the Terrible.” Her parents were God-fearing and well-off, as her father was a steward of a profitable estate that belonged to the royal house-hold, and they had several sons and daughters. But when Juliana was six years old, her mother died. She was put in the care of her godly grandmother, who continued the Orthodox Christian upbringing begun by her parents until her own death six years later, after which Juliana had to move in with an aunt and some cousins who were not very churchly and did not understand her strong spiritual bent. They criticized and ridiculed her for avoiding worldly distractions and keeping to herself in prayer and fasting so much. But Juliana bore their chiding and mockery with meekness, patience and respectfulness. Despite hardship and discouragement, Juliana did all she could to live out the twofold imperative of the Gospel: love of God and love of neighbor, embodied and exercised through habitual prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Juliana’s life took another turn when she was 16 years old. Her living faith, charitable nature and concern for others attracted the attention of a local nobleman, who owned an estate that included the village of Lazarevo, and he married her. In time, they started a family and had seven children: six sons and one daughter. Her parents-in-law were so impressed by her virtue, maturity, common sense and modesty, they put her in charge of running the whole household. She ably managed the household and supervised the serfs on the estate with great kindness, dis-cretion, humaneness and personal humility. Despite the ever-present demands and heavy work-load of her domestic duties, Juliana never neglected her spirituality. She always made time for praying, fasting, giving alms and doing good deeds. She usually ate only once a day, giving much of her food away to the hungry. She often went without sleep, spending those extra hours either in prayerful vigil or busily spinning, weaving, sewing and embroidering. This handiwork either went toward clothing the poor or being sold for profit, all the proceeds going straight to charity. Juliana also welcomed orphans, widows and beggars into her own home, waiting on them herself with maternal affection. SAINT JULIANA OF LAZAREVO | 2 Juliana lived through several famines and epidemics that hit Russia during her lifetime. Yet even in such dire straits, she did not put her own survival and security over the well-being of her fellow human beings. When hunger struck, she always deprived herself and gave generously to those who were starving, even though food and money were in short supply. When contagious disease spread like wildfire, she did not shun others for fear of her own health and safety, but risked infection by secretly visiting the sick, bathing them with her own hands, nursing them and praying for their recovery. When victims of these natural disasters died, she made sure they had a decent burial by making funeral arrangements for them, covering the expenses, offering memorial services in church and remembering them in her own prayers. During the infamous and tragic “Time of Troubles” — when Russia fell prey to widespread crop failures, famines, epi-demics, civil strife and foreign invasion all at once — a rather destitute Juliana staved off starva-tion by making bread for her family, serfs and neighbors from tree bark, for want of any other ingredients, since she had given the rest of her reserves away. Surprisingly, this unusual im-provisation gained a reputation for its unexpected sweetness, and hungry people came from miles around to get loaves of it. Its inexplicably appetizing taste mystified those who ate it, but her children knew her secret. It was a miracle: the bread was made sweet by the grace of Juliana’s prayerfulness and holiness. Juliana’s spiritual life was not without its trials and tribulations. Bitter infighting among her children and serfs often forced her to soothe tempers and smooth things over to restore har-mony in her household, in the face of great hostility and conflict. Two of her sons died tragic deaths — one fell in military service, the other was murdered. On more than one occasion, she experienced horrific visions of demons threatening her with bodily harm in an attempt to dis-suade her from her spiritual and charitable pursuits. Yet she persevered through the power of strong faith, fervent prayer and utter reliance on God. And God rewarded her for that persever-ance: during her lifetime, she was blessed with two visionary visitations from Saint Nicholas of Myra and a supernatural summons from an icon of the Virgin Birthgiver of God, both of whom she loved and held in particularly high veneration. These extraordinary otherworldly experi-ences strengthened her resolve and gave her the fortitude she needed to overcome hurdles and stumbling blocks placed in the path of her salvation. After the death of her two sons, a distraught Juliana wanted to retire to a monastery and end her days as a nun. But her husband persuaded her to remain “in the world” and continue tending to his home and his family. As a compromise, they agreed to live a chaste marriage, without any further physical intimacy. During this period of her life, she stepped up her efforts at prayer and asceticism. She gave up her conjugal bed for an uncomfortable roost atop the stove, with fire-wood for her mattress and pillow. (Russian houses of the time featured huge built-in, furnace-like stoves that accommodated cooking, baking and heating, with plenty of surface area on which people could lie down or sit for warmth.) While still keeping up with her domestic duties and occupying herself with her handiwork for the benefit of others, she spent longer hours in prayer and vigil. She became an unceasing practitioner of the Jesus Prayer, which evidently en-tered into the rhythm of her breathing and her heartbeat: her grown children reported witness-ing her lips moving and her fingers manipulating the knots of her prayer rope even while she slept. SAINT JULIANA OF LAZAREVO | 3 After ten years of their arrangement,
Juliana’s loving, faithful and understanding husband fell asleep in the
Lord. She distributed her portion of the inheritance he left to the poor
and hon-ored his death with a multitude of prayers, church services, alms
and free meals for the needy. Alone now, she withdrew from worldly interests
and affairs even more intently, seeking to keep better watch over her soul
and imitate the holy women of ancient times. She went to church everyday,
prayed profusely, fasted intensely and gave so much to charity, she often
had to bor-row money from her children to distribute alms! Whatever they
gave her for her own upkeep went directly through her hands to the poor
and needy. As time went by, she grew older and poorer in the extreme, but
she never complained nor bemoaned her lot. To the contrary, she grew even
more cheerful, joyous and full of life instead — much more so than she
had ever been in her earlier years!
SAINT JULIANA OF LAZAREVO | 4 The Church remembers Saint Juliana of Lazarevo every year on January 2. One of the hymns she sings in her memory and honor (the troparion for Saint Juliana of Lazarevo, in the fourth tone) beautifully sums up the content and meaning of her moving story and righteous life: Your righteous deeds revealed to the world